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     Now approaching his sixtieth birthday, Phineas Camp Headley re-

views a life of professional and business activity, which since 1894 has

been closely associated with the source of supply for the spindles and

looms of the city, cotton. His ambition to follow the footsteps of his father,

also Phineas Camp Headley, and

of his grandfather, both of whom were ministers of the Gospel,

was frustrated by ill health, and as a regularly ordained minister of the 

Congregational church his service as pastor was brief. His nearly quarter of

a century in New Bedford has wonderfully improved his health and 

renewed his youth. He delights in

sports of the open, is young in spirit, plays tennis, and is everywhere and

always the genial, courteous, approachable gentleman.

     Rev. Phineas Camp Headley was one of a family of four sons and

three daughters, the sons all eminent in literature, business and official

life : Joel Tyler Headley, an educator, later famous as the author of a

"History of the Rebellion," "Napoleon and His Marshals," and still later

as Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of New York ; Phineas Camp

Headley, of further mention; Isaac B. Headley, a banker of Peoria, Illi-

nois, his wife a sister of Senator Thomas C. Piatt, of New York ; Dr.

William T. Headley, who was appraiser of drugs at the New York cus-

tom house until his death, his wife a sister of Bishop Coxe, of New York

State. The father of these brothers was for fifteen years pastor of the

Congregational church at Walton, Delaware county, New York, this re-

view dealing with the life work of his son. Rev. Phineas Camp Headley,

a preacher and minister of the Gospel and a historian, and of his son,

Phineas Camp Headley, of New Bedford, a twentieth century representa-

tive of a cultured, scholarly family.

     Rev. Phineas Camp Headley, son of a Congregational minister, and

related to Captain Headley Vicars, the noted English officer, was born

in Walton, New York, June 24, 1819. He attended Hamilton and Am-

herst colleges, but received his Bachelor of Arts from Amherst. At one

time he, with his brother, Joel Tyler Headley, managed Canandaigua

Academy, the brothers being principal and assistant principal, this posi-

tion being taken to assist in financing his college course. He also taught

in Academy, and during that period began the study of law

under ex-Governor Hubbell, and was admitted to practice at the New

York bar in 1845. It was his mother's desire, and his own wishes

coincided, that he enter the ministry, and after courses at Auburn Theo-

logical Seminary, Auburn, New York, he was graduated, ordained and

settled over the church at Adams. His work there was followed by pas-

torates in Sandwich, Plymouth and Greenfield, Massachusetts, his term

of service in Greenfield being the most extended. The last years of his

life were spent in historic Lexington, where his two daughters resided,

and there he died June 5, 1903.

     As a writer on historical subjects and characters, Mr. Headley clothed

his characters as in real life and made them speaking human realties to

his readers. His works were rich in human interest and historic value,

affording the reader genuine pleasure and the student of a reliable source

of information, and among the noted men whom he met and conferred

with was Louis Kossuth, whose history he afterward wrote. His well-

known histories and biographies are : "Massachusetts in the Rebellion,"

"Life of General U. S. Grant," "General William T. Sherman," "General

Phil Sheridan," "General Mitchell," "Admiral Farragut," and "John Erics-

son," the inventor and builder of the first "Monitor." He was also the

author of the life of the "Empress Josephine of France," of "Louis Kos-

suth, the Hungarian Patriot," "Napoleon," and "Women of the Bible."

As author his work was characterized by the highest terms and the pur-

est standards of judgment as well as by a vivid and finished style. While

he reached a larger audience through his books than was possible as a

preacher, the ministry was his first and always his great love, and to the

cause of his Master he gave devoted, effective service.

     Mr. Headley married. May 13, 1851, Deborah Clark Bartlett, who

died in Lexington, Massachusetts, in 1899. She was a daughter of Ivory

H. Bartlett, a whaling merchant and prominent business man of his day,

one of the incorporators and member of the first board of trustees of the

New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank. Rev. Phineas C. and Deborah

C. (Bartlett) Headley were the parents of two sons and two daughters:

I. Phineas Camp (2), of further mention. 2. Ivory Hovey Bartlett, a

graduate of Phillips Andover Academy, Andover Theological Seminary ;

chaplain in the United States Army, serving in the Philippines, also at

Fort Yates, North Dakota ; later he became permanently attached to the

coast artillery, and after leaving Fort McPherson, Georgia, was stationed

at Fort Totten, Staten Island ; he bore the rank of major, and died at Fort

Totten, his death being the result of an accident to his spine. 3. Irene,

a graduate of Bradford Academy ; married Willard Otis Armes, and re-

sides in Lexington, Massachusetts. 4. Mary Louisa, a graduate of Gan-

nett Institute; an occasional writer and author; married Elijah Ander-

son Shaw, of Boston, head of E. A. Shaw & Company, cotton merchants.

     Phineas Camp (2) Headley, son of Phineas Camp (i) and Deborah

Clark (Bartlett) Headley, was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts, Decem-

ber 20, 1858. After preparation in public schools, he entered Boston

Latin School, whence he was graduated at the finish of a four years'

course with the class of 1876 on the prize list. He then entered Amherst 

College, receiving his Bachelor of Arts, class of 1880. His classical course

completed, he began the study of divinity at Hartford Theological Semi-

nary, Hartford, Connecticut, but a year later an accident so impaired his

health that he left the seminary and spent a year in the West, returning to

NEW BEDFORD much invigorated.

    He reentered the seminary, completed his studies in

theology with the class of 1886, was ordained a minister of the Congre-

gational church in Boston by the Rev. Dr. Webb, D. D., of the Shawmut

church, and entered upon pastoral work, but ill health again interfered,

and shortly afterward he was compelled to abandon the ministry perma-

nently. For several years he was engaged in photography, but in 1894

became a cotton broker in New Bedford, where he yet continues in pros-

perous business with offices in the old Merchants' Bank building, No.

56 Water street.

   He is well known in the trade and immensely popular

with his many business and social acquaintances, numbering many of

them as his close friends. Although a busy man, there has never been a

time since leaving the ministry that he has not been interested in good

works. He has variously served the Trinitarian. Fairhaven and Old

North Congregational churches, and is yet an active worker and inter-

ested member. He is interested in the Union Chapel on Sconticut Neck

road, Fairhaven. Other activities of his are: Member of the advisory

board of the City Mission ; member of the finance committee of the Young

Women's Christian Association ; director of the Port Society ; director of

the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ; vice-president of

the Young Men's Christian Association ; ex-president of the Bible Soci-

ety ; vice-president of the Fairhaven Improvement Association for two

years ; president of the New Bedford Board of Trade in 1913 ; member of

the Citizens' Guard of Fairhaven ; a former member of the Rod and Reel

Club of Fairhaven, and of the Country and Wamsutta clubs of New Bed-

ford. In all these organizations he formerly took an active interest and

part, and thoroughly enjoyed their work and privileges. In 1916 he was

a presidential elector on the Republican ticket which was successful in

Massachusetts, and in July, 1917, was a member of the committee ap-

pointed to welcome the Italian commission.

     Mr. Headley married, January 2, 1892, Daisy Mabel Waite, born

February 17. 1869, daughter of Benjamin H. and Martha Jefferson

(Blodgett) Waite, her father a dry goods and carpet merchant of New

Bedford, and a large real estate owner. He died in New Bedford, April

9, 1898, aged seventy-four years. His wife survived him until June 9,

1908, aged seventy-nine. Mrs. Headley descends in paternal line through

eight generations of Waites in America to Thomas Waite, born in 1601,

who came in 1634, and is recorded in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, in 1634.

     He bought land in Acushnet and Cohasset, and subsequent generations

resided in Dartmouth. John Ward Waite, of the fifth generation, settled

in Tiverton, Rhode Island, where his son, Peter Waite, and his grand-

son, Benjamin H. Waite, were born and lived until the removal to New

Bedford, when the latter was a child. Phineas C. and Daisy Mabel

(Waite) Headley are the parents of Dorothy Headley, a graduate of

Dana Hall, Wellesley, class of 1916, now taking post-graduate courses,

and of a deceased daughter, Margery B., born in 1902, died in infancy.

The familv home is in Fairhaven on Sconticut Neck road.


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